Is Silence Really Bliss? I don’t know, do you?

Some people can only meditate when they are in total silence, not me. I use guided meditations to have a focal point, to step me though a meditation. It helps my mind and puts me at ease with what I am doing.

So when my guided meditations I used this week had longer periods of silence in them than ones I have done previously, I found it a real struggle!

Is that really a surprise?

In the world we live in there is basically no such thing as silence. We are bombarded with noise from the moment we wake until the moment we fall asleep. Both noise that we choose to hear, and the general sounds of life.

On top of that is the constant conversations in our own mind. That chatter. What do I need to be doing now, in an hour, tomorrow, the next day, next week? Did I do that right? Could I have done it better? What are people going to think of me?

The ‘noise’ goes on and on.

So it’s totally understandable that we can have difficulty with silence at times. Which is what I found this week.

Was it because I hadn’t meditated as regularly in the week previous? Was it because I just had more going on and therefore my mind was over active? Or was it that the guided meditations didn’t suit me? It was probably a combination of all 3.

By the end of the week I was far more comfortable with the silence than what I was at the start and that made me happy. But it made me realise that it’s one very long road if you want to master the art of silence in the mind. Now silence is not what I currently use my meditation practice for, but this week definitely made me wonder more than I had previously about silence.

So what are your thoughts on silence? Is that what you use meditation for? Let us know in the comments below.

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