Creating Your Meditation Habit

“There is no influence like the influence of habit” Gilbert Parker I really love that quote because it is so true! We may not always be aware of it, but the reality is, so much of what we do in our day to day lives is down to habit. Your brain actually needs habits to…

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The How, What, When, Where of Meditation

You’ve read about all the amazing benefits that meditation could help you achieve, or had a friend talk you into giving it a try…what next??? How do I do it? What do I meditate on? When should I meditate? Where should I meditate? Argh!!! All too often thoughts like this become all too much, so…

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So What is Meditation?

Well, there’s the Google aided definition of ‘meditate’: “To focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation” And there’s the Latin combination of ‘meditari’ and ‘mederi’: The first, “meditari”, means to think, dwell upon or to…

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Moving Into My Meditation Home

A big hello from the My Meditation Home blog! And thank you for taking the time to come and visit. As you can see my new meditation home (this website) is very much still a work in progress. Needs a splash of paint, a bit more furniture, and all the finishing touches applied but the…

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