Moving Into My Meditation Home

A big hello from the My Meditation Home blog! And thank you for taking the time to come and visit.

As you can see my new meditation home (this website) is very much still a work in progress. Needs a splash of paint, a bit more furniture, and all the finishing touches applied but the structure is sound and solid so come on in.

From my very first experiences, meditation was something I always enjoyed but never followed through and took it up as a regular practice. The first experiences were at high school. A class once or twice a year where we would be guided through a meditation to relax our minds. It wasn’t easy, trying to block out the majority of other kids that were laughing, sniggering, making fun of the process or doing stuff to classmates while they had their eyes closed. I’d always make sure I was away from the riff-raff and tried to do the meditation properly. And funnily enough it worked, I would feel good, bright and refreshed, and maybe also just happy that we actually didn’t do any real ‘schoolwork’ for the period! If only the teachers had dished out meditation homework, then I may have actually done my homework and made it a regular practise…

Then there was a course I did in my late 20’s. It was a personal development 3 day workshop and didn’t promote meditation at all. But looking back, there was a pretty big meditation influence in there. It was all about the alpha brain waves and how being in that state of consciousness could help with all aspects of your life. I loved the 3 day event, and to this day mark it as a key event that helped open my mind up to the world of opportunity. Relaxing through colours, having them wash over you in your mind. Creating a virtual workshop where you could go to get things done. It was amazing! I continued many of the practices (which were basically forms of meditation) learnt for a number of months afterwards. But as life started to intrude, I found it hard to find the time, started to loose motivation, and over time the practice went from a regular daily occurrence to the very sporadic thought of, “I really need to get back into that, I felt so good while I was doing it”. I had some recordings from the event, they helped get back into it for a while. I had the grand plan as I travelled off overseas to live in London for a few years that while I worked and travelled that I would get right back into it. Never happened. Life throws up some curveballs, perspectives and focus changes, and time seems to become this ever shrinking resource.

Fast forward to the present, and I have now been meditating consistently for a few months and I see no end in sight. I now have a great meditation habit and am feeling all the better for it.

I also no longer need to find the time to meditate….I make the time to meditate.

Meditation is definitely helping me see an amazing life unfold before me! And I am so excited about it that I feel like sharing the experience with anyone that wants to follow along. Hence starting this blog.

So if you are at all curious or interested in meditation, My Meditation Home’s doors are always open for you.

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